What has our class been up to!!
Several classmates have been busy so to highlight we have created this page. Whatever you may be publishing, selling, or just want to let the class know What's Up... here you go! Send a link, or what you would like to share, to: info@uhsclass72.com
Stephanie Haight-Kuntze

"Steff Finds a Friend” - A bedtime story and First-Reader for 4-8 year olds. The things we do when retired! 😃
In this beautifully illustrated story, you can join Steff, the only baby elephant in his herd, as he embarks on his first adventure in the grasslands that surround his home. Eager to explore and find playmates, Steff makes a friend along the way with whom he has nothing—and yet everything—in common. Share in their joy as they meet interesting and kind neighbors! Explore with them their world at the jungle’s border and the excitement of finding a friend.
To order Stephanie's book click "Shop". Both English and German versions are available! Order before July 7th and Stephanie will bring the book(s) with her!
See Stephanies full story at: https://www.iav-publishing.com. There you will find more info on Stephanies's journey.
Phil Beck

Please check out my recent article https://www.mysteryandsuspense.com/political-thriller-movies/ in Mystery and Suspense Magazine.
My newest novel, Free Fall from Grace, a political thriller set in Dallas and Washington was published in November 2021.
Previously, I published my debut novel, Fastball, in 2017, followed by Heygood Gambit in 2018, Mitra's Last Hustle in 2019, and To Save the Golden-Cheeked Warbler in 2020. All of these books are part of the Fastball Series, but can be read in any order. The main character, Lonny Jones, and a group of his close friends and associates are followed throughout the series.
My favorite part of writing is getting feedback on early book drafts from a diverse set of friends I've met at various points in my life. Their candid feedback vastly improved each of the books.
I would love to hear from you. You can send me an email via my author website below.
Author website:
Phil's books are found on Amazon
We will be drawing names Saturday evening for 6 of Phil's books as giveaways!
Tony Preston

Spice Horizon is a family owned and run business. We have always been interested in high-quality food, organics, natural ingredients, and just great eating. Our entire family gets involved in cooking, food prep, presentation, and are all very accomplished in our own rights when it comes to the culinary process.
Influenced by living in the Southern United States, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong for many years, the introduction of exotic and local cuisines have created a food passion for the entire family. Our desire is to bring you the very best spices, oils, vinegars, gourmet food, free-trade and organic products to enhance your cooking and enjoyment.
We understand how important eating quality organic and natural foods are, but most of the time we think nothing about grabbing spices in our cabinet that could be out-of-date, or could have been exposed to pesticides and other harmful growing conditions. You deserve the best, and that doesn’t always mean the most expensive.
Affordability is important to us as well, and we are constantly seeking new sources for the best and most authentic global ingredients available. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed and we are not satisfied until you are. We are pleased to provide you with an alternative source for your family or business needs. Thank you for letting us serve you.
— The Preston Family
Con Wolfe

Hi all, Pastor Con Wolf here (your collective gasp of “THAT guy became a preacher” was heard all the way out here in Ohio). I have served in a small Appalachian community in southeast Ohio for the last 15 years called Crooksville, and yes, I am known as Con from Crooksville in the area. Over the years I have worked in construction, wedding DJ and DJ and chaplain for a group home for mentally challenged men as well as preaching.
I am also involved with a group known as LifeWise Academy which promotes Released Time Religious Instruction all around the US. What that means is that schools are allowed to release students from class to go off campus for religious instruction. It’s been legal since a Supreme Court ruling in 1952 but most people never heard of it. It has to be voluntary (parents have to sign permission slips), off campus and can’t cost the school district anything. It teaches thru the Bible in 5 years or so and also undergirds 10 basic character traits most people want to see in others – things like honesty, integrity, consideration etc. It works well with our school system’s Pax program (“Dude, be kind”) which a lot of schools use. If you think your community might be interested, you can go direct to LifeWiseAcademy.org and see if it’s already active in your community or contact me at conwolf531@gmail.com.
PS the photo is from a mission trip on the Amazon two years ago. Not my boy just another Superman! I wanted to use one from Kosova. I was there when Dan Morgan was in charge of American Forces but no head shots from there.
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